2024 CAC July Gallery Members Call For Entry

Crossroads Art Center is excited to announce an Online and In-Person call for entries for the July 2024 CAC Annual Members Only Exhibition.

For this Call for Entries you may submit Online or In-Person.

To enter you must be a member in good standing at  Crossroads Art Center. Join Now!

All entries are accepted into the Member Exhibition.

This show has no theme. All work must be for sale. Commission on sales is 30%. 

The gallery will accept only original work created by the artist. No reproductions or giclee prints will be accepted, unless by permission of the owner, Jenni Kirby. The gallery reserves the right to refuse work. Artists may not remove work on display until the END OF THE EXHIBITION.

1. Online Call for Entries begins: Saturday, June 1, ends June 22, 2024
All digital entries will be a part of the Crossroads Art Center Member Show Collection Online, AND Live at the Art Center.
Digital entries are managed through www.artcall.org  Drop off dates for digital entries are Thursday, July 11 – Saturday, July 13, BEFORE Noon. 

2. In Person - If you prefer to enter work in the Annual Members Show without a digital entry, you may. Please fill out an entry form in person (and if submitting 2 entries, pay $12) when you deliver your artwork to Crossroads Art Center. At that time you can also fill out a membership form and pay the membership fee of $50 for the general public. Drop off dates for Non-Digital Entries will be Thursday, July 11 – Friday, July 12, by NOON.

NOTE: If you chose to enter the Annual Members Show in-Person (without ArtCall), your artwork will NOT be a part of the online collection on our website, but will be Live at Crossroads.

Artwork must be properly labeled (your name, title, medium, size [framed size], price, phone number, and email address).  

All members are allowed TWO entries in the Members Show: the first entry is free.
If you submit a second entry, the cost is $12.00. Online, you will need to click on the blue "Enter Promo Code" button beside the credit card icons, and then type in the Code: GalleryMem to get your first entry free.

The July Member Show Art Opening Weekend is on Saturday, July 20, 10am-5pm and Sunday, July 21, 2024, 12pm-4pm.
There is no Friday night opening.

If an artist is submitting online and is not a current member, or needs to renew, you may join at the time of entry.
CLICK HERE To Download Form and Pay Online.

If entering in person, pay at Crossroads and fill out the form when bringing artwork (or you can download and print the form using the link above).

Before entering, please read below and be sure you understand procedures and expectations for participating in our 2024 shows--

Important Dates:

Art Drop Off:  Digital Entries, Thursday, July 11 - Saturday, July 13 at noon. In-Person, Thursday, July 11 - Friday, July 12 at noon.

Opening Weekend: Saturday, July 20, 2024 and Sunday, July 21, 2024

Exhibition End Date: Saturday, August 31, 2024

Unsold Artwork Available for Pick Up by Artists: Tuesday, Sept 3, 2024


For this show you must be a member! JOIN or RENEW Now

Your name should have the FIRST LETTER of each name capitalized: Jonathan Doe.

The first time you register, you need an artist statement - 200 word limit in first person. It is a statement about all of your work, in general. Why and what and how you do what you do.

You must enter verbiage regarding the individual piece of art - The character limit is 300, including spaces (You will be cut off)!!
It is about the specific work of art. What were you thinking or trying to convey, what inspired you?

You do not have to create a portfolio site to enter the show.

 Prices - DO NOT TYPE IN A COMMA. This produces the wrong price ($2, instead of $2,500). ArtCall will add the comma automatically

Measurements - HEIGHT first, then Width then Depth (H x W x D), inches at the end.   Ex: 8 x 10",  6 x 8 x 12"

All this information is used online and on wall labels, awards, and publicity. Use Spellcheck as well as  word count! 


3 images of each piece are required, one of the art without frame, one with frame, and a close detail image (zoomed into a small close-up of a section of interest). If the art is unframed, only 2 photos are required. 

NOTE: if the work is framed, we must have the outside measurements of the frame (H x W x D). Please do not guess. If we do not have the measurements for the art and/or the framed art, your piece will not be considered to jury.

Walls and backgrounds SHOULD NOT SHOW in photos. Photographs of work should not show background, and not be crooked.


3 images for each 3D, installation, or wearable art entry: one overall front, one overall rear or sideview, and one detail (zoomed into a small section of interest).

Detail image must show an important aspect of the artwork. Make sure that both the full-view and detail images are oriented correctly. Please keep backgrounds as unobtrusive as possible.


All 2D work must be wired on the back to hang--no sawtooth hangers. This is a requirement for our hanging system. If work is not wired, it will not be accepted into the show.

Remember to have a label on the back or bottom of work (see above).

You can go back in and add/edit images and edit text until the call ends.

Please double check all information! 

After submitting, leave the program and then go back in and double check your information. Did you enter the required 2 or 3 photos for each submission? Is your price correct? Measurements? Is your statement complete?

VERY IMPORTANT: You can delete and change photos, and change text within each submission until end-of-call.
Do not delete an entire submission and then add a new one--ArtCall will charge you for a new submission!  Instead, edit the original submission in the description box, delete the old images and add new ones. 

NOTE: + Submission means add a new entry (and pay); + Attachment means add a new image (photo).

User Entry Process Tutorial

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.